Agency for All consortium partners annual meeting in Nairobi, Kenya

Surrounded by flip charts and sticky notes, Agency for All partners and USAID staff met face-to-face in July in Nairobi, Kenya for an annual consortium meeting to take stock of project achievements, refresh awareness of the project’s mission and objectives, and anticipate the new project year. Working side-by-side in a live context helped to build strong working relationships between partners as we delivered lightning talks on our progress, shared what we’ve learned so far, and led breakout skills building workshops on key technical areas. We also spent time developing the mission and vision of Agency for All’s emerging regional communities of practice. What makes a great community of practice? How do we cultivate a dynamic community of engaged Social and Behavior Change professionals? What is needed to contextualize research on agency and gender? Partners reflected on these questions and more to create a shared knowledge base, reflect on best practices, and develop an organizational structure.

(Original Source: Agency for All Quarterly Newsletter)

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