SMART-HIPs Burkina Faso Dissemination Workshop

HIPs BF Dissemination Workshop

On February 28, 2024, the results of a study conducted in Burkina Faso on Social Behavior Change (SBC) and High Impact Practices service delivery for Family Planning was presented in Ouagadougou during the national SMART-HIPs dissemination meeting. These results were part of a multi-country study conducted as part of the Research for Scalable Solutions Project and Smart-HIPS projects with FHI 360, EVIHDAF, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population, and Makerere University School of Public Health.

The objectives of the study:

  • Generate evidence to help countries reflect on and optimize the implementation of HIPs in FP, and
  • Provide information on globally and locally relevant harmonized measurement standards for HIPs.*

Some key results of the study:

  • Over a 12-month period from June 2022 to July 2023, 8% of women who gave birth used a family planning method within 48 hours of giving birth in health facilities in the Centre and Hauts Bassins of Burkina Faso.
  • It is encouraging to note that out of 10 health facilities with a delivery service in the Centre and Hauts Bassins of Burkina Faso, 3 of them offered at least one immediate post-partum family planning service during the three months from April to June 2023.
  • Note that in 42% of the health facilities surveyed, all the contraceptive methods required to offer immediate postpartum family planning services were available (observed or reported) on the day of the survey, but only 15% of these facilities had all the supplies and equipment needed to insert the implant or IUD.
  • Intra-caesarean IUD insertion is the skill that appears to be most lacking in health facilities, with only 5% of health facilities where at least one of the providers available and surveyed indicated that they had been trained in this procedure.
  • In 88% of the health facilities surveyed, providers screened and referred or offered on-site at least 3 of the following 4 services: post-partum mental health, gender-based violence, STI screening/treatment, HIV screening, etc.
  • In 95% of health facilities, staff are available in the maternity ward to offer family planning services during and outside normal opening hours. 80% of these health facilities regularly report information on the number of mothers who have benefited from Immediate Post-Partum Family Planning (IPPFP) services.

The said study which focused on Family planning in the immediate #postpartum and mass media, was conducted in collaboration with the Family Health Directorate, by Onadja Yentéma, PhD, Assistant Professor and Maurice Sawadogo, Teachers at the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population de Ouagadougou and Souleymane Zoromé, PhD student at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University.

Stay tuned for the worldwide broadcast which will take place in a few months!

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