Evaluation of Malaria Surveillance System in Cameroon (ESSP Cameroon)
Country: Cameroon
Project Dates: October 2020 – November 2021
EVIHDAF was commissioned by PMI Measure Malaria to conduct an Evaluation of the Malaria Surveillance System (EMSS) in Cameroon. This evaluation was commissioned by the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health, through its National Malaria Control Program (NMCP). The overall objective was to assess the performance of the malaria surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation
(SM&E) system in relation to the goals set for malaria elimination and their alignment with the new World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
The evaluation took place at the central level and in the Centre, Littoral and North regions and covered 4 different areas: Performance Diagnosis; Context and Infrastructure Assessment; Techniques and Procedures Assessment; and Behavioral Assessment. It adopted a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) and non-experimental method including: a) a document review; b) interviews with resource persons and stakeholders at the central, regional, district and health facility levels; and c) a survey of public and private health facilities.
The executive summary of the evaluation is available here
The final report of this evaluation was presented during a feedback workshop to the Permanent Working Group that had been set up under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Health. The recommendations prioritized during this workshop are available here.