Evaluation of Malaria Surveillance System in DRC (ESSP RDC)

Country: Cameroon
Project Dates: December 2020 – November 2021

Commissioned by Nascent Solutions, this study was designed to investigate the current demographics, vulnerabilities, coping strategies, knowledge, attitudes, and practices among the IDPs and non-camp refugee people who could benefit from improved services in humanitarian and resilience sectors the Far North Region of Cameroon.

The specific research questions to be answered were:

  1. What is the current humanitarian situation and resilience landscape in the Far North region of Cameroon, with focus on: a) Most vulnerable populations; b) Food security; c) Nutrition; d) Health; e) Education; f) Water, sanitation, and hygiene; g) Protection; h) Sexual and gender-based violence; i) Early recovery livelihood opportunities; j) Youth unemployment (socio-economic security); and k) Humanitarian response by other actors and l) shelter needs.
  2. What is the pervasiveness of the identified needs among affected populations?
  3. Which populations are especially vulnerable?
  4. What are the local civil society organizations, youth and women’s organizations active in humanitarian response and sustainable livelihoods sectors? What are their capacity building needs?
  5. What are the barriers to meeting the identified humanitarian and early livelihood needs?
  6. Which potential interventions can overcome the identified barriers?

A summary of the study can be found here



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