Evaluation of Malaria Surveillance System in DRC (ESSP RDC)
Country: Cameroon
Project Dates: December 2020 – November 2021
Commissioned by Nascent Solutions, this study was designed to investigate the current demographics, vulnerabilities, coping strategies, knowledge, attitudes, and practices among the IDPs and non-camp refugee people who could benefit from improved services in humanitarian and resilience sectors the Far North Region of Cameroon.
The specific research questions to be answered were:
- What is the current humanitarian situation and resilience landscape in the Far North region of Cameroon, with focus on: a) Most vulnerable populations; b) Food security; c) Nutrition; d) Health; e) Education; f) Water, sanitation, and hygiene; g) Protection; h) Sexual and gender-based violence; i) Early recovery livelihood opportunities; j) Youth unemployment (socio-economic security); and k) Humanitarian response by other actors and l) shelter needs.
- What is the pervasiveness of the identified needs among affected populations?
- Which populations are especially vulnerable?
- What are the local civil society organizations, youth and women’s organizations active in humanitarian response and sustainable livelihoods sectors? What are their capacity building needs?
- What are the barriers to meeting the identified humanitarian and early livelihood needs?
- Which potential interventions can overcome the identified barriers?
A summary of the study can be found here